As Rotarians, we believe in the 4-way test. By extension, we support the RI focus on Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI).
Our own Club approach has been to follow the RI lead, to strengthen our legacy policies, to set in place new initiatives to ensure compliance, to inform our members as appropriate and to appoint a Club Counsellor.
As a result, every active member of our Club has been afforded the opportunity to read into & understand the issues. Moreover, we have benefitted from a presentation on the same issues as provided at our meeting on 06 June; a presentation given by Emma Brown, one of our members with legal training, qualifications and experience. The key documents are as follows;
Significantly, we have been blessed with a volunteer who has come forward to act as our Club Counsellor. As a Club, we welcome Andrea Matecsa into this role. All are invited to click on the "Read more ..." tab to learn about what is involved with being a Club Counsellor and how she sees her appointment within the Club.



With the support of President John Wallace, Andi writes in that ...

During my first year as a Rotarian, I experienced first hand such genuine respect and acceptance by the members of the Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise. I immediately felt that I was welcome. I felt I belonged. I felt safe. I felt valued. 

When I was approached to consider the role of Club Counsellor I did a bit of digging to find out what the role might entail. Truth be told, there is not a lot of specific information about the role. Thanks to some members and the internet I gained enough knowledge (and confidence) to say yes to the position. 

As the RCNS Club Counsellor, I will strive to:

- support a Rotary environment that allows members and visitors to feel physically, intellectually and emotionally safe while participating in Rotary meetings and functions;

- raise awareness and/or provide training that aligns with the information shared by Emma Brown at our June 6th meeting regarding Rotary Policies on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as well as Abuse, Harassment & Negligence.

- reference and reinforce the Rotary Code of Conduct;

- make my personal contact information available in Rotary settings as necessary;

- provide opportunities for members (and others participating in Rotary functions) to express any concerns in strict confidentiality;

- resolve problems promptly and respectfully to the best of my ability; and

- work closely with our President to further develop the role and its related policies/procedures (as new information is provided to us in the coming months).

Now, back to where I started ..... the role of Club Counsellor relates directly to ensuring that everyone feels as respected and valued as I did (and still do) through my involvement and membership in the Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise. I am honoured to be able to play a role in maintaining the positive club atmosphere.







