- Rotarian Code of Conduct;
- District 7090 Comms & Privacy Policy; and
- RCNS Abuse Neglect & Harassment Protocol.
With the support of President John Wallace, Andi writes in that ...
During my first year as a Rotarian, I experienced first hand such genuine respect and acceptance by the members of the Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise. I immediately felt that I was welcome. I felt I belonged. I felt safe. I felt valued.
When I was approached to consider the role of Club Counsellor I did a bit of digging to find out what the role might entail. Truth be told, there is not a lot of specific information about the role. Thanks to some members and the internet I gained enough knowledge (and confidence) to say yes to the position.
As the RCNS Club Counsellor, I will strive to:
- support a Rotary environment that allows members and visitors to feel physically, intellectually and emotionally safe while participating in Rotary meetings and functions;
- raise awareness and/or provide training that aligns with the information shared by Emma Brown at our June 6th meeting regarding Rotary Policies on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as well as Abuse, Harassment & Negligence.
- reference and reinforce the Rotary Code of Conduct;
- make my personal contact information available in Rotary settings as necessary;
- provide opportunities for members (and others participating in Rotary functions) to express any concerns in strict confidentiality;
- resolve problems promptly and respectfully to the best of my ability; and
- work closely with our President to further develop the role and its related policies/procedures (as new information is provided to us in the coming months).
Now, back to where I started ..... the role of Club Counsellor relates directly to ensuring that everyone feels as respected and valued as I did (and still do) through my involvement and membership in the Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise. I am honoured to be able to play a role in maintaining the positive club atmosphere.