One of the three ways that a Paul Harris Fellowship may be awarded is for an active member to use his/her Foundation contribution points to nominate a particular member of Rotary, or the community at large.
At our 2024 Changeover meeting at the Waterford Legion, Past Governor D7090, Lisa Bishop announced she wished to recognize D7090 Assistant Governor Coordinator (2021-2024) and incoming RCNS Co-President Ross Gowan for the many years of selfless dedication he has contributed to the District. Along the way, he has spent many, many hours improving the District and the way it supports its Clubs. More specifically, Lisa expressed her sincere appreciation for the way in which Ross supported her in her recent role as the District Governor.
Well done, Ross. As a Club, we are all thankful for what you have done to support our District (as well as our Club!) and are very proud of what you bring to our community presence.