Josefa summarized the impact that the oil and gas industry has had, and continues to have, on Canada. In a very well-prepared presentation, she went on to describe the essential nature of that sector as well as the degree to which they are coordinating operations, innovations, initiative and plans with those who lead environmental imperatives.
Josefa was asked to comment on her Covid experience and related the challenge she faced, the awful nature of it and the residual effects that she still experiences even today, 6 months later, as a ‘long-hauler” ... a very thought-provoking story.
On behalf fo the club, Andy Kooistra, thanked Josefa for the great presentation giving us a bit of a reality-check into the industry, wished her the very best in her continuing recovery from the virus, and presented her with a club momento whereby we’ve restored the vision of a person in India in her name.