Membership Services

Time to Give Back? - Grow with Us in Our Community - Make it an Even Better Place to Live!
Rotary International is the oldest service organisation in the world. The Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise is part of Rotary District 7090 encompassing Southern Ontario & Northern New York state.
Currently, we are conducting 'hybrid' meetings (ie in-person sessions, coincidently managed to allow remote 'zoom' attendance as the need defines it).
We meet every Tuesday morning between 7am & 8am (to allow members to get to work). We enjoy the hospitality of the new Food Hub at Riversyde 83 for our meetings. They are located at 83 Sydenham Street in Simcoe Ontario.
We would love for you to join us and/or to make contact. You can find out more about us as follows;
Club Website - learn about us at this website link.
Club EMail - contact us at this email link.
Club Mailing Address - send us a note at PO Box 31, Simcoe, Ontario, N3Y 4K8
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
Download the website sponsorship guide