On Tuesday, 22 March 2022 and on our behalves, Rudi Atkinson welcomed Rotarian Rosanne Field as our Guest Speaker. Via Zoom, she spoke to us about Rotary's approach to a New Generations Service Exchange (NGSE) program. See the "Read more ..." tab for additional information.
Rosanne offered a rather passionate description of the NGSE program, noting that it benefitted from fewer rules than other such programs, that the target group (18-30 yrs) was a great group to work with and help, that the theme was 'vocation' rather than 'vacation'. She described the responsibilities involved, and cited quite a few personal examples. She concluded by suggesting that these sort of initiatives brought us together and helped to build the Rotary family.
Following quite a few questions about the program, Dave Nichol thanked Rosanne for her amazing commitment to help young people in our communities and for her most interesting and informative talk.
New Generations Service Exchange is a short-term, customizable program for university students and professionals up to age 30. Participants can design exchanges that combine their professional goals with a humanitarian project.
What are the benefits?
- Make connections with service-minded community leaders in another country
- Learn another language
- Build your professional skills and gain international experience
- Travel and explore a new culture while giving back through service
What is an exchange like? With your host Rotary district, you’ll plan activities that can include networking, relationship building, humanitarian service, professional development, and leadership training. Exchanges:
- Last from a few weeks to six months
- Can be arranged for individuals or groups
- Need not be reciprocal