On Tuesday morning, 16 April 2024, we welcomed RCNS members Lisa Bishop and Ross Gowan as our Guest Speakers. They spoke to us about Mental Health services in Norfolk County and led us in a discussion about how RCNS and we individually could support Mental Wellbeing in the community.
Their presentation including links to some powerful messages may be found at this link:
Thank you Lisa and Ross for sharing your expertise and thoughts with us - you started a vibrant discussion.
* Rudi referenced this book following Ross and Lisa's talk. She purchased it in audiobook format for under $20 and says it is worth every penny. Rudi notes: "How Smart phone technology has impacted the world is a responsibility we all share as we are encouraged to support each other. I hope you find the information presented valuable and will share the title with others you know. Of course, it is available in book format too. Remember we never stop learning. Thank you. "